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In Today's Catholic World

Picture of Pope Pius IX Praying to The Immaculate Conception
(December is the Month the Church Dedicates to the Immaculate Conception)

Daily News for The Church in Eclipse

"You must fight energetically, since you know very well what great wounds the undefiled Spouse of Christ Jesus
has suffered, and how vigorous is the destructive attack of Her enemies."
-His Holiness, Venerable Pope Pius IX


Ecclesiastical Approbation

In Today's Catholic World carries the approbation in writing of the (True) Petrine Hierarchy in exile i.e., connected with Pope Gregory XVII. It faithfully adheres to the rules for Catholic Journals mandated by Leo XIII in the Apostolic Constitution Officiorum ac Munerum, January 25, 1897 - so heavily re-stressed by Pius X in Pascendi Dominici Gregis, September 8, 1907.

St. Ignatius of Antioch - "Let no one do anything of concern to the Church without the bishop. Let that be considered a valid Eucharist which is celebrated by the bishop or by one whom he ordains [i.e., a presbyter]. Wherever the bishop appears, let the people be there; just as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church." (Letter to the Smyrneans 8:2 - 110 A.D.)

(December 30-31, 6th and 7th Days in the Octave of Christmas)

Gregory XVII
His Holiness Gregory XVII, The Suffering Pope in Exile

"The Vicar of my Son will suffer a great deal, because for a great while the Church will yield to large persecution, a time of darkness and
the Church will witness a frightful crisis. The Holy Father will suffer a great deal.
-Words of Our Lady of La Salette (1846 A.D.)


In Today's Catholic World (TCW)
December 30, 2005 A.D.

(Minneapolis) -Dec 30- Truly "Cardinal Siri" i.e. Pope Gregory XVII was a hidden and exiled Pope. Yves Dupont author of the book, Catholic Prophecy (which was published in the early 1970s) based on the many precise prophecies from holy individuals and Saints throughout the ages that he compiled and studied, eluded to/suggested the possibility of this phenomena (a persecuted Pope in exile) occurring at that time i.e. in the 1970's. (Note: which it did i.e. Gregory XVII's persecuted and suppressed reign was from 1958 until 1989 A.D.)

It is well known that the publishers of TCW conclude, based on the now famous Fr. Khoat Report, other evidence, and what has transpired in the Vatican since 1958 A.D., that "Cardinal Siri" was indeed the long prophesied Pope in exile of the end times, and that this unlocks the key to understanding the Eclipse of the Church predicted by Our Lady of LaSalette. (Note: See TCW's recent report (12/23/05) of the December 2005 A.D. unearthing of substantial futher information regarding the Siri FACT.)

Still many Catholics today are not familiar with and/or have great difficulty in even thinking of any Pope being forced into Exile. Thus for today's post TCW thinks it is prudent to cite the historical precedence (concrete examples) of lawful Popes being forced into exile from Rome by the stealthy enemies of the Faith prior to the twentieth century. In addition a list of antipopes who usurped the papal office in Rome itself during the absence of, or simultaneous with, the reign of a true pope, before the twentieth century is provided too.

*Please note In Today's Catholic World will continue into 2006 A.D., with more information and insights into the Story of the Century: The Siri Fact.

The following is a partial list of Popes who were forced into exile away from Rome prior to the twentieth century. Most of them died or were martyred while still in exile:

  • Clement I: Exiled and martyred

  • Pontian: Exiled and martyred

  • St. Cornelius: Exiled and martyred

  • Liberius: Exiled during the Arian heresy

  • St. Lucius

  • St Stephen: Died in exile

  • St. Marcellus I: Died and martyred

  • St. Eusebius: Died in exile

  • St. Silverius: Exiled and martyred

  • St. Martin I: Exiled and martyred

  • St. Leo IX

  • Innocent II: Exiled for 8 years but recaptured the Chair of Peter in Rome after the abdication of antipope Victor IV

  • *St. Gregory VII: Died in exile

  • Pius VI: Died in Valencia

  • Pius VII: Exiled and imprisoned by Napoleon for 15 years

  • Pius IX: Exiled to Gaeta for 9 months, was later a prisoner in the Vatican

    *Note: It has been reported that "Cardinal Siri" (a.k.a. Gregory XVII) prior to the 1958 Conclave had, had the name of "Gregory" ready in honor of St. Gregory VII ... ironically a Pope who died in exile too. -TCW

    Partial listing of antipopes who usurped the papal office in Rome itself during the absence of, or simultaneous with, the reign of a true pope, before the twentieth century:

  • Hippolytus: 217-235 A.D.

  • Novatian: 251 A.D.

  • Felix II: Nov. 355. 365 A.D.

  • Christopher: September 903 - January 904 A.D.

  • Boniface VII: June and July, 974 and August 984 to July 985 A.D.

  • Benedict IX: Was first elected as true pope in 1032 A.D., he later resigned and came back as antipope from November 1047 to July 1048 A.D.

  • Benedict X: April 1058 to January 1059 A.D.

  • Sylvester IV: November 1105 to 1111 A.D.

  • Celestine II: 1124 A.D.

  • Anacletus II: February 1030 to January 1038 A.D.

  • Victor IV: March 1038 to May 1038 A.D.

  • *John XXIII: May 1410 to May 1415 A.D. (Cardinal Baldasar Cosa) Who remained in Rome from 1411 to 1413 during the Western Schism of 1378-1418 A.D.

    *Note: Angello Roncalli after usurping papal office from Pope Gregory XVII ["Siri"] in 1958 A.D., took the name of John XXIII, the same name as the Anti-Pope Baldasar Cosa, who usurped the papal office during the exile of the true pope, and for a time carried out his usurpation in Rome itself. The policy in the Roman Church is to never take the name of an anti-pope. Many have said this was a cryptic signal by Anti-Pope Roncalli (who launched the Apostate Vatican II Pseudo Council) to his fellow "brethren" throughout the world that the "Final Revolution" had commenced. -TCW

  • "Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist... The Church will be in eclipse..."
    (Words spoken by Our Lady of La Salette to Melanie Calvat in 1846 A.D., a fully approved Church Apparition)

    Pray For True Papal Restoration!

    © In Today's Catholic World (TCW) 2005 All rights reserved.

    (December 28, The Holy Innocents Martyrs - December 29, St. Thomas of Canterbury Bp. & Martyr)

    Cardinal Siri was Elected
    White Smoke Billowing from the Chimney of the Sistine Chapel October 26, 1958
    Siri was the youngest cardinal in the Church when appointed by Pius XII at the age of 47 in 1953.
    When Giovanni Battista Montini fell from Pius' favor, it was expected that Siri would succeed Pius in the 1958 conclave.

    October 27, 1958 Associated Press News Report - VATICAN CITY (AP) - Cardinals balloted Sunday without electing a pope. A mix-up in smoke signals made it appear for about half an hour that Pius XII's successor had been chosen. For a time 200,000 Romans and tourists in huge Saint Peter's Square were certain the church had a new pontiff. Millions of others who listened to radios throughout Italy and Europe also were certain. They were certain. They heard the Vatican speaker shout exultantly: 'A pope is elected..’

    In Today's Catholic World (TCW)
    December 28, 2005 A.D.

    (Minneapolis) -Dec 28- In Today's Catholic World (TCW), presents the written testimony of Mr. Paul Scortesco of what he personally observed at the 1958 and 1963 Conclaves. Mr. Scortesco was known by all to be an excellent Catholic, full of piety and zeal. Shortly after writing down his observations in a *letter (see below) he died under "suspicious conditions" (it is reported he was burned alive in his bed while sleeping).

    Scortesco was related to the Italian princes Borghese and Sforza belonging to the "Noble Guard" of the Vatican, abolished by "pope" Paul VI soon after his "election". This guard had the duty to watch over the doors of the conclave, in order that there be no communication with the outside.

    5th Column Freemasons
    "Cardinal" Lienart (on left) and "Cardinal" Bea Shown Shaking Hands
    These Partners in Crime were both members of the Masonic Lodge

    Mr. Scortesco wrote:

    * "During the conclaves of John XXIII (1958) and Paul VI (1963), there were communications (with the out-side). It was thus known that there were several ballots in the earlier conclave which resulted in the election of (Cardinal) Tedeschini and in the latter conclave, Cardinal Siri.
    Siri, who had been elected by only one vote, with the balance of the electors pledged to Montini, had the impudence to ask that his election be voted again, so that he could reign with a more important majority. And it was then (while electors were in recess) that Cardinal Tissierant went out to the telephone, and when he returned, Cardinals Lienart, Konig, Dopfner and Tardini changed their votes to Montini (in the balloting which followed). And it was known that these four had been involved with the Freemasons. Therefore, one can affirm without doubt, that Paul VI was elected by that sect."

    Pope Gregory XVII
    The True Pope in Exile (from Rome), Gregory XVII ("Cardinal Siri") seems to have given a veiled reference of what happened in 1958 and 1963 when he wrote in 1972 how the enemies of the Faith today could "overturn" a lawful Conclave

    "The segregation of the conclave is yet more necessary; with modern means, with modern technology, without an absolute segregation it would not be possible to save an election from the pressure of external powers. Today the superpowers (and the lesser ones alike) have too great an interest in having on their side, through condescendence or weakness, the highest moral authority in the world. And they would do all that they are so very good at doing. The pressures to overturn the substance of the law of the conclave could be driven by the will to obtain precisely this result." (Excerpt from, The Election of the Roman Pontiff (L'Elezione del Romano Pontefice) By: Joseph Cardinal Siri, originally published in RENOVATIO VII (1972), inst. 2, pp. 155-156, From “Il Dovere Dell’Ortodossia”)

    French Journalist Louis Remy came across an even more detailed reference in Scortesco's personal writings regarding the conclave secrecy being unmistakenly violated, (in this case specifically the 1963 Conclave). Remy states that in one of his writings, Prince Scortesco, German cousin of Prince Borghese, President of the Conclave which elected Montini to the Supreme Pontificate, gives the following information concerning the Conclave of 21 June 1963:

    “During the Conclave, a Cardinal left the Sistine Chapel, met with the representatives of B’nai - B’rith, announced to them the election of Cardinal Siri. They replied by saying that the persecutions against the Church would continue at once. Returning to the Conclave, he made Montini to be elected.”

    On pages 607 to 609 of his book, "The Keys Of This Blood," Fr. Malachi Martin, perennial insider (infiltrator) and eye-witness to the '63 Conclave, admits that Siri was elected Pope (again) in 1963, but that his election was "set aside" because of an outside "communication" (interference) by an "internationally based organization", regarding a "grave matter of [Vatican] state security." He then tries to justify outside interference of the conclave if it is conducted "by authorized persons" or if "the very existence of the Vatican City-State or its members or dependents" were at stake."

    [Note: Fifteen minutes after Pope Gregory XVII ("Cardinal Siri") died on May 2, 1989, Fr. Malachi Martin called a person named Gary Giuffre (who attempted to study the hidden papacy of Pope Gregory XVII) from Italy and angerly blurted out to Gary Giuffre (paraphrase) "Drop it, he's ("Siri") dead!" There is evidence that Fr. Martin was a Marrano (cryptic-Jew) -TCW]

    A Faithful Catholic must ask himself, how can this type of crime happen? Monseigneur Jouin who was a brave champion against the evil forces of Freemasonry wrote:

    What is, indeed, Judeo-Masonry today if not the concentration and mobilization of all evil forces? This Sect with its threefold claim of being Counter-Church (against the Church), Counter-State (against the State) and Counter-Morality (against traditional morality) takes pride in being above all and for all times the enemy of the Catholic Church; one of its rallying calls is that of Tigrotto, one of the Alta Vendita chiefs who, in 1822, proclaimed: 'Catholicism must be destroyed throughout the whole world.' With Tigrotto also the anti-Catholic plan is expressed thus: 'Let us conspire only against Rome.'

    Surrounded by Ghettos and Masonic Lodges, in the course of a fight which has become universal, Popes have reiterated their appeal for defense and have clearly shown the place and the duty of Catholics -- all too frequently the place has been left deserted and the duty has been betrayed in a shameful manner." - Papacy and Freemasonry a Speech by Monseigneur Jouin, December 8, 1930

    Cardinal Siri was Elected
    October 26, 1958 6 P.M.
    Pivotal Moment in the history of the 20th century Judeo-Masonry takes control of the Vatican structures.

    Right around the time of Paul Scortesco's "mysterious death" it was reported that a "black mail battle" within the Italian Masonic Lodges between the #1 and #2 kingpins resulted in the #2 Mason revealing the following list of "Vatican Prelates" who were Freemasons.

    Note: No family members of the individuals listed below have challenged this list for the nearly 30 years since its original disclosure to the public at large in July of 1976.

    Death to Freemasonry

    A List of Masons in the Vatican/Italian "Church"

    The following is a list of Masons reprinted with some updates from the Bulletin de l'Occident Chrétien Nr.12, July, 1976, (Directeur Pierre Fautrad a Fye - 72490 Bourg Le Roi.) All of the men on this list, if they in fact be Masons, are excommunicated by Canon Law 2338. Each man's name is followed by his position, if known; the date he was initiated into Masonry, his code #; and his code name, if known:

    1. Albondi, Alberto. Bishop of Livorno, (Leghorn). Initiated 8-5-58; I.D. # 7-2431.
    2. Abrech, Pio. In the Sacred Congregation Bishops. 11-27-67; # 63-143.
    3. Acquaviva, Sabino. Professor of Religion at the University of Padova, (Padua). 12-3-69; # 275-69.
    4. Alessandro, Father Gottardi. (Addressed as Doctor in Masonic meetings.) President of Fratelli Maristi. 6-14-59.
    5. Angelini Fiorenzo. Bishop of Messenel Greece. 10-14-57; # 14-005.
    6. Argentieri, Benedetto. Patriarch to the Holy See. 3-11-70; # 298-A.
    7. Bea, Augustin. Cardinal. Secretary of State (next to Pope) under Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul VI.
    8. Baggio, Sebastiano. Cardinal. Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Bishops. (This is a crucial Congregation since it appoints new Bishops.) Secretary of State under Pope John Paul II from 1989 to 1992. 8-14-57; # 85-1640. Masonic code name "SEBA." He controls consecration of Bishops.
    9. Balboni, Dante. Assistant to the Vatican Pontifical . Commission for Biblical Studies. 7-23-68; # 79-14 "BALDA."
    10. Baldassarri Salvatore. Bishop of Ravenna, Italy. 2-19-58; # 4315-19. "BALSA."
    11. Balducci, Ernesto. Religious sculpture artist. 5-16-66; # 1452-3.
    12. Basadonna, Ernesto. Prelate of Milan, 9-14-63; # 9-243. "BASE."
    13. Batelli, Guilio. Lay member of many scientific academies. 8-24-59; # 29-A. "GIBA."
    14. Bedeschi, Lorenzo. 2-19-59; # 24-041. "BELO."
    15. Belloli, Luigi. Rector of Seminar; Lombardy, Ita- ly. 4-6-58; # 22-04. "BELLU."
    16. Belluchi, Cleto. Coadjutor Bishop of Fermo, Italy. 6-4-68; # 12-217.
    17. Bettazzi, Luigi. Bishop of Ivera, Italy. 5-11-66; # 1347-45. "LUBE."
    18. Bianchi, Ciovanni. 10-23-69; # 2215-11. "BIGI."
    19. Biffi, Franco, Msgr. Rector of Church of St. John Lateran Pontifical University. He is head of this University and controls what is being taught. He heard confessions of Pope Paul VI. 8-15-59. "BIFRA."
    20. Bicarella, Mario. Prelate of Vicenza, Italy. 9-23-64; # 21-014. "BIMA."
    21. Bonicelli, Gaetano. Bishop of Albano, Italy. 5-12-59; # 63-1428, "BOGA."
    22. Boretti, Giancarlo. 3-21-65; # 0-241. "BORGI."
    23. Bovone, Alberto. Substitute Secretary of the Sacred Office. 3-30-67; # 254-3. "ALBO."
    24. Brini, Mario. Archbishop. Secretary of Chinese, Oriental, and Pagans. Member of Pontifical Commission to Russia. Has control of rewriting Canon Law. 7-7-68; # 15670. "MABRI."
    25. Bugnini, Annibale. Archbishop.Wrote Novus Ordo Mass. Envoy to Iran, 4-23-63; # 1365-75. "BUAN."
    26. Buro, Michele. Bishop. Prelate of Pontifical Commission to Latin America, 3-21-69; # 140-2. "BUMI."
    27. Cacciavillan, Agostino. Secretariat of State. 11-6-60; # 13-154.
    28. Cameli, Umberto. Director in Office of the Ecclesiastical Affairs of Italy in regard to education in Catholic doctrine. 11-17-60; # 9-1436.
    29. Caprile, Giovanni. Director of Catholic Civil Affairs. 9-5-57; # 21-014. "GICA."
    30. Caputo, Giuseppe. 11-15-71; # 6125-63. "GICAP."
    31. Casaroli, Agostino. Cardinal. Secretary of State (next to Pope) under Pope John Paul II since July 1, 1979 until retired in 1989. 9-28-57; # 41-076. "CASA."
    32. Cerruti, Flaminio. Chief of the Office of the University of Congregation Studies. 4-2-60; # 76-2154. "CEFLA."
    33. Ciarrocchi, Mario. Bishop. 8-23-62; # 123-A. "CIMA."
    34. Chiavacci, Enrico. Professor of Moral Theology, University of Florence, Italy. 7-2-70; # 121-34. "CHIE."
    35. Conte, Carmelo. 9-16-67; # 43-096. "CONCA."
    36. Csele, Alessandro. 3-25-60; # 1354-09. "ALCSE."
    37. Dadagio, Luigi. Papal Nuncio to Spain. Archbishop of Lero. 9-8-67. # 43-B. "LUDA."
    38. D'Antonio, Enzio. Archbishop of Trivento. 6-21-69; # 214-53.
    39. De Bous, Donate. Bishop. 6-24-68; # 321-02. "DEBO."
    40. Del Gallo Reoccagiovane, Luigi. Bishop.
    41. Del Monte, Aldo. Bishop of Novara, Italy. 8-25-69; # 32-012. "ADELMO."
    42. Faltin, Danielle. 6-4-70; # 9-1207. "FADA."
    43. Ferraioli, Giuseppe. Member of Sacred Congregation for Public Affairs. 11-24-69; # 004-125. "GIFE."
    44. Franzoni, Giovanni. 3-2-65; # 2246-47. "FRAGI."
    45. Gemmiti, Vito. Sacred Congregation of Bishops. 3-25-68; # 54-13. "VIGE."
    46. Girardi, Giulio. 9-8-70; # 1471-52. "GIG."
    47. Fiorenzo, Angelinin. Bishop. Title of Commendator of the Holy Spirit. Vicar General of Roman Hospitals. Controls hospital trust funds. Consecrated Bishop 7-19-56; joined Masons 10-14-57.
    48. Giustetti, Massimo. 4-12-70; # 13-065. "GIUMA."
    49. Gottardi, Alessandro. Procurator and Postulator General of Fratelli Maristi. Archbishop of Trent. 6-13-59; # 2437-14. "ALGO."
    50. Gozzini, Mario. 5-14-70; # 31-11. "MAGO."
    51. Grazinai, Carlo. Rector of the Vatican Minor Seminary. 7-23-61; # 156-3. "GRACA."
    52. Gregagnin, Antonio. Tribune of First Causes for Beatification. 10-19-67; # 8-45. "GREA."
    53. Gualdrini, Franco. Rector of Capranica. 5-22-61; # 21-352. "GUFRA."
    54. Ilari, Annibale. Abbot. 3-16-69; # 43-86. "ILA."
    55. Laghi, Pio. Nunzio, Apostolic Delegate to Argentina, and then to U.S.A. until 1995. 8-24-69; # 0-538. "LAPI."
    56. Lajolo, Giovanni. Member of Council of Public Affairs of the Church. 7-27-70; # 21-1397. "LAGI."
    57. Lanzoni, Angelo. Chief of the Office of Secretary of State. 9-24-56; # 6-324. "LANA."
    58. Levi, Virgillio (alias Levine), Monsignor. Assistant Director of Official Vatican Newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano. Manages Vatican Radio Station. 7-4-58; # 241-3. "VILE."
    59. Lozza, Lino. Chancellor of Rome Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas of Catholic Religion. 7-23-69; # 12-768. "LOLI."
    60. Lienart, Achille. Cardinal. Grand Master top Mason. Bishop of Lille, France. Recruits Masons. Was leader of progressive forces at Vatican II Council.
    61. Macchi, Pasquale. Cardinal. Pope Paul's Prelate of Honour and Private Secretary until he was excommunicated for heresy by Pope Paul VI. Was reinstated by Secretary of State Jean Villot, and made a Cardinal. 4-23-58; # 5463-2. "MAPA."
    62. Mancini, Italo. Director of Sua Santita. 3-18-68; # l551-142. "MANI."
    63. Manfrini, Enrico. Lay Consultor of Pontifical Commission of Sacred Art. 2-21-68; # 968-c. "MANE."
    64. Marchisano, Francesco. Prelate Honour of the Pope. Secretary Congregation for Seminaries and Universities of Studies. 2-4-61; 4536-3. "FRAMA."
    65. Marcinkus, Paul. American bodyguard for imposter Pope. From Cicero, Illinois. Stands 6'4". President for Institute for Training Religious. 8-21-67; # 43-649. Called "GORILLA." Code name "MARPA."
    66. Marsili, Saltvatore. Abbot of Order of St. Benedict of Finalpia near Modena, Italy. 7-2-63; # 1278-49. "SALMA."
    67. Mazza, Antonio. Titular Bishop of Velia. Secretary General of Holy Year, 1975. 4-14-71. # 054-329. "MANU."
    68. Mazzi, Venerio. Member of Council of Public Affairs of the Church. 10-13-66; # 052-s. "MAVE."
    69. Mazzoni, Pier Luigi. Congregation of Bishops. 9-14-59; # 59-2. "PILUM."
    70. Maverna, Luigi. Bishop of Chiavari, Genoa, Italy. Assistant General of Italian Catholic Azione. 6-3-68; # 441-c. "LUMA."
    71. Mensa, Albino. Archbishop of Vercelli, Piedmont, Italy. 7-23-59; # 53-23. " MENA."
    72. Messina, Carlo. 3-21-70; # 21-045. "MECA."
    73. Messina, Zanon (Adele). 9-25-68; # 045-329. " AMEZ."
    74. Monduzzi, Dino. Regent to the Prefect of the Pontifical House. 3-11 -67; # 190-2. "MONDI."
    75. Mongillo, Daimazio. Professor of Dominican Moral Theology, Holy Angels Institute of Roma. 2-16-69; # 2145-22. "MONDA."
    76. Morgante, Marcello. Bishop of Ascoli Piceno in East Italy. 7-22-55; # 78-3601. MORMA."
    77. Natalini, Teuzo. Vice President of the Archives of Secretariat of the Vatican. 6-17-67; # 21-44d. "NATE."
    78. Nigro, Carmelo. Rector of the Seminary, Pontifical of Major Studies. 12-21-70; # 23-154. "CARNI."
    79. Noe, Virgillio. Head of the Sacred Congregation of Divine Worship. He and Bugnini paid 5 Protestant Ministers and one Jewish Rabbi to create the Novus Ordo Mass. 4-3-61; # 43652-21. "VINO."
    80. Palestra, Vittorie. He is Legal Council of the Sacred Rota of the Vatican State. 5-6-43; # 1965. "PAVI."
    81. Pappalardo, Salvatore. Cardinal. Archbishop of Palermo, Sicily. 4-15-68; # 234-07. "SALPA."
    82. Pasqualetti, Gottardo. 6-15-60; # 4-231. "COPA."
    83. Pasquinelli, Dante. Council of Nunzio of Madrid. 1-12-69; # 32-124. "PADA."
    84. Pellegrino, Michele. Cardinal. Called "Protector of the Church", Archbishop of Torino (Turin, where the Holy Shroud of Jesus is kept). 5-2-60; # 352-36. "PALMI."
    85. Piana, Giannino. 9-2-70; # 314-52. "GIPI."
    86. Pimpo, Mario. Vicar of Office of General Affairs. 3-15-70; # 793-43. "PIMA."
    87. Pinto, Monsignor Pio Vito. Attaché of Secretary of State and Notare of Second Section of Supreme Tribunal and of Apostolic Signature. 4-2-70; # 3317-42. "PIPIVI."
    88. Poletti, Ugo. Cardinal. Vicar of S.S. Diocese of Rome. Controls clergy of Rome since 3-6-73. Member of Sacred Congregation of Sacraments and of Divine Worship. He is President of Pontifical Works and Preservation of the Faith. Also President of the Liturgical Academy. 2-17-69; # 32-1425. "UPO."
    89. Rizzi, Monsignor Mario. Sacred Congregation of Oriental Rites. Listed as "Prelate Bishop of Honour of the Holy Father, the Pope." Works under top-Mason Mario Brini in manipulating Canon Law. 9-16-69; # 43-179. "MARI," "MONMARI."
    90. Romita, Florenzo. Was in Sacred Congregation of Clergy. 4-21-56; # 52-142. "FIRO."
    91. Rogger, Igine. Officer in S.S. (Diocese of Rome). 4-16-68; # 319-13. "IGRO."
    92. Rossano, Pietro. Sacred Congregation of Non-Christian Religions. 2-12-68; # 3421-a. "PIRO."
    93. Rovela, Virgillio. 6-12-64; # 32-14. "ROVI."
    94. Sabbatani, Aurelio. Archbishop of Giustiniana (Giusgno, Milar Province, Italy). First Secretary Supreme Apostolic Segnatura. 6-22-69; # 87-43. "ASA"
    95. Sacchetti, Guilio. Delegate of Governors - Marchese. 8-23-59; # 0991-b. "SAGI."
    96. Salerno, Francesco. Bishop. Prefect Atti. Eccles. 5-4-62; # 0437-1. "SAFRA"
    97. Santangelo, Franceso. Substitute General of Defense Legal Counsel. 11-12-70; # 32-096. "FRASA."
    98. Santini, Pietro. Vice Official of the Vicar. 8-23-64; # 326-11. "SAPI."
    99. Savorelli, Fernando. 1-14-69; # 004-51. "SAFE."
    100. Savorelli, Renzo. 6-12-65; # 34-692. "RESA."
    101. Scanagatta, Gaetano. Sacred Congregation of the Clergy. Member of Commission of Pomei and Loreto, Italy. 9-23-71; # 42-023. "GASCA."
    102. Schasching, Giovanni. 3-18-65; # 6374-23. "GISCHA," "GESUITA."
    103. Schierano, Mario. Titular Bishop of Acrida (Acri in Cosenza Province, Italy.) Chief Military Chaplain of the Italian Armed Forces. 7-3-59; #14-3641. "MASCHI."
    104. Semproni, Domenico. Tribunal of the Vicarate of the Vatican. 4-16-60; # 00-12. "DOSE."
    105. Sensi, Giuseppe Mario. Titular Archbishop of Sardi (Asia Minor near Smyrna). Papal Nunzio to Portugal. 11-2-67; # 18911-47. "GIMASE."
    106. Sposito, Luigi. Pontifical Commission for the Archives of the Church in Italy. Head Administrator of the Apostolic Seat of the Vatican.
    107. Suenens, Leo. Cardinal. Title: Protector of the Church of St. Peter in Chains, outside Rome. Promotes Protestant Pentecostalism (Charismatics). Destroyed much Church dogma when he worked in 3 Sacred Congregations: 1) Propagation of the Faith; 2) Rites and Ceremonies in the Liturgy; 3) Seminaries. 6-15-67; # 21-64. "LESU."
    108. Trabalzini, Dino. Bishop of Rieti (Reate, Peruga, Italy). Auxiliary Bishop of Southern Rome. 2-6-65; # 61-956. "TRADI."
    109. Travia, Antonio. Titular Archbishop of Termini Imerese. Head of Catholic schools. 9-15-67; # 16-141. "ATRA."
    110. Trocchi, Vittorio. Secretary for Catholic Laity in Consistory of the Vatican State Consultations. 7-12-62; # 3-896. "TROVI."
    111. Tucci, Roberto. Director General of Vatican Radio. 6-21-57; # 42-58. "TURO."
    112. Turoldo, David. 6-9-67; # 191-44. "DATU."
    113. Vale, Georgio. Priest. Official of Rome Diocese. 2-21-71; # 21-328. "VAGI."
    114. Vergari, Piero. Head Protocol Officer of the Vatican Office Segnatura. 12-14-70; # 3241-6. "PIVE."
    115. Villot, Jean. Cardinal. Secretary of State during Pope Paul VI. He is Camerlengo (Treasurer). "JEANNI," "ZURIGO."
    116. Zanini, Lino. Titular Archbishop of Adrianopoli, which is Andrianopolis, Turkey. Apostolic Nuncio. Member of the Revered Fabric of St. Peter's Basilica.


    1. Fregi, Francesco Egisto. 2-14-63; # 1435-87.
    2. Tirelli, Sotiro. 5-16-63; # 1257-9. "TIRSO."
    3. Cresti, Osvaldo. 5-22-63; # 1653-6. "CRESO."
    4. Rotardi, Tito. 8-13-63; # 1865-34. "TROTA."
    5. Orbasi, Igino. 9-17-73; # 1326-97. "ORBI."
    6. Drusilla, Italia. 10-12-63; # 1653-2. "'DRUSI "
    7. Ratosi, Tito. 11-22-63; # 1542-74 "TRATO."
    8. Crosta, Sante. 11-17-63; # 1254-65. "CROSTAS.

    For No One On Earth Can Touch A Pope (Scholarly Theological work, that among other things, betrays the pure illogicalness of Bro's Micheal and Peter Dimond's novel and patently erroneous "claim" that Christ's *Vicar, who was under documented grave duress for more than 30 years, [*His Holiness, Pope Gregory XVII] "lost His office".)

    The Immaculate Heart of Mary
    The Immaculate Heart of Mary Our Hope

    "... in the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph."

    "Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist... The Church will be in eclipse..."
    (Words spoken by Our Lady of La Salette to Melanie Calvat in 1846 A.D., a fully approved Church Apparition)

    Pray For True Papal Restoration!

    © In Today's Catholic World (TCW) 2005 All rights reserved.

    (December 27, St. John Apostle and Evangelist Double of II Class with simple Octave)

    The Apostle St. John's Tomb in Ephesus
    The Apostle St. John's Tomb in Ephesus, Turkey

    He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him. (1 John 2:4-5)

    In Today's Catholic World (TCW)
    December 27, 2005 A.D.

    (Minneapolis) -Dec 27- In Today's Catholic World (TCW) post is devoted today to the holy Apostle St. John the Evangelist, whose glorious feast day it is. St. John was Our Lord's Beloved Disciple, who was entrusted with guarding safely His greatest treasure, the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, following His Ascension into Heaven. *The text below about St. John is from the Traditional Breviary:

    Feast of St. John the Evangelist, Roman Catholic Bishop

    St. John at Patmos Tomb
    St. John at Patmos

    "...and if this only be done, it is enough."

    *The Apostle John, whom Jesus loved, was a son of Zebedee, and the brother of that James the Apostle who was beheaded by Herod soon after our Lord suffered. He was the last of the Evangelists to write his Gospel, which he published at the request of the Bishops of Asia against Cerinthus and other hereticks, and particularly against the then spreading doctrine of the Ebionites, who asserted that Christ had had no existence before Mary. It was therefore needful for the Evangelist to declare his eternal and divine generation.

    In the fourteenth year of Domitian, whilst this same was stirring up the second persecution after that of Nero, John was exiled to the Island of Patmos where he wrote his Apocalypse, whereon commentaries have been composed by Justin Martyr and Irenaeus. When Domitian was killed, the Senate annulled all his acts on account of their excessive severity, and the Apostle returned to Ephesus during the reign of Nerva. There he remained until the time of Trajan, and founded and governed all the churches of Asia. There also in an extreme old age, he died, in the sixty-eighth year after the Lord's passion, and was buried near the same city of Ephesus.

    The blessed Evangelist John lived at Ephesus down to such an extreme old age that he was with difficulty supported in the arms of his disciples and so was carried to the church. And being unable to articulate many words, he was wont to utter each time to the congregation the simple words : Little children, love one another. At last his disciples and brethren were weary of hearing these words so often, and asked him : Master, wherefore ever sayest thou this only? Whereto he gave an answer worthy of John : It is the commandment of the Lord, and if this only be done, it is enough.

    "Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist... The Church will be in eclipse..."
    (Words spoken by Our Lady of La Salette to Melanie Calvat in 1846 A.D., a fully approved Church Apparition)

    Pray For True Papal Restoration!

    © In Today's Catholic World (TCW) 2005-Present. All rights reserved.

    (December 24th Christmas Eve - December 25th Christmas Day)

    Christmas 2005 A.D.
    The Nativity of Our Lord

    The Editor of In Today's Catholic World wishes all of its readers a Holy Christmas 2005

    A non una cum usurper Mass (intention) will be said for all of TCW's loyal readers (i.e. True Catholics) by a well known validly ordained priest on December 27th, the 3rd day of the Octave of Christmas. TCW's next post, which will include more information on the suppressed Papacy of "Cardinal Siri" (a.k.a His Holiness, Pope Gregory XVII) will be on Monday, December 26th. Be sure to check back.

    Pray For True Papal Restoration!

    © In Today's Catholic World (TCW) 2005-Present. All rights reserved.

    (December 23, Friday in Sapientiatide, The Ferial Office)

    Fr. Khoat
    The Rev. Fr. Peter Khoat Van Tran (who was ordained in 1967 in the Tridentine Rite) shown in Port Arthur, Texas, August, 1979 A.D.
    Father Khoat is an extremely important figure in regards to his well known heroic efforts in maintaining the True Faith for the True Faithful in America and abroad for more than 35 years now. Outside of a major charitable work that he is involved with overseas, he is currently working on a book (which incidently was kindly edited by Hutton Gibson's wife in 2003 and will hopefully be in print soon) that contains vital information for the True Church, as it enters into the 3rd Millennium. Fr. Khoat has traveled extensively throughout the world to bring de fide to all that may listen. He is fluent in three languages and has celebrated the Tridentine Mass for close to 40 years.

    "Siri told Fr. Khoat to come back at 8 PM that night when his secretary would be gone. Fr. Khoat went back that night and also saw Siri one more time with another priest he brought from a nearby city." (Excerpt from the record of Fr. Khoat's meeting with Pope Gregory XVII, in Rome, April, 1988 Pope Gregory XVII)

    In Today's Catholic World (TCW)
    December 23, 2005 A.D.

    (Minneapolis) -Dec 23- The Editor of In Today's Catholic World has returned from a most successful trip which unearthed more than 120 lbs of documents/evidence that concerns the history of the Traditional Catholic movement in America and much 100% never before released to anyone information on His Holiness Gregory XVII "Pope Siri".

    Father Khoat's First Mass
    Picture of Father Khoat's Saying his First Mass on May 5th, 1967 A.D. in Vietnam
    It is a tradition in Vietnam that when a priest moves - he brings his people with him. Father Khoat was in charge of 400 families when he lived in Port Arthur, Texas from 1975 until around the later nineties. Fr. Khoat to this day does all in his power to help his people and all True Catholics.

    Please Note: This untouched evidence that TCW has obtained, fills six moving boxes and among other things, includes letters from the who's who of Traditional Catholicism over the last 35 years, much of which content relates to the Pope Siri Fact. This treasure chest of pictures, tapes and documents is currently stored in a secured, climate controlled location. -TCW

    Audio and video tapes, 6000 pictures, documents
    Unprecedented Information Find 12/23/05
    Part of the more than 120 lbs of Historic Church material regarding the Traditional Catholic Cause for the last 40 years, which includes:
    hundreds of documents, letters [in all of the major languages), approximately 6000 pictures, tapes, primitive computer diskettes, and more.

    An additional note to the readers of TCW. A Mr. Silvio Mattacchione who "publically" professes Catholicism and who actually is understood it seems to be working with the highest positioned members of the current anti-christ usurpers holed up in Rome (more information on this later) has boasted during this season of Christmas he will take down the "Siri Thesis". This person, Mattacchione, is a publisher and seller of books, including books on AIDS, manfighting and rooster i.e. *cockfighting for "modern day fanciers", (*Note a huge "unseen" gambling sadistic "sport") as his own companies website openly proclaims. Be on alert for this contriver's well financed attack on His Holiness, Gregory XVII the 262nd and last 100% verified Pope of the Roman Catholic Church.

    For further information on this imperative matter, please see the following links:

  • Did Pope Gregory XVII Choose a Successor? (Click to View)

  • The Enemy Has Possession of the Citadel (Click to View)

  • Papal Condemnations against Freemasonry (Click to View)

  • The Message of Our Lady of La Salette with Imprimatur by Mgr. Bishop of Lecce (Click to View)

  • Status of this Terrible Battle 12/23/05 that all True Catholics Must Fight and Win! (Click to View)

    Pray Unceasingly for the Liberty (Freedom) and Exaltation of Holy Mother Church!

  • "Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist... The Church will be in eclipse..."
    (Words spoken by Our Lady of LaSalette to Melanie Calvat in 1846 A.D., a fully approved Church Apparition)

    Pray For True Papal Restoration!

    © In Today's Catholic World (TCW) 2005-Present. All rights reserved.

    *Please Note: The Editor of In Today's Catholic World is flying out of state today, to research an important developing story. Daily posts will resume on Dec. 23rd.

    (December 16 - 22, Advent)

    Blessed Anna Maria Taigi
    The Prophetess Blessed Anna Maria Taigi (1769-1837 A.D.)

    "In all ages of men have been divinely instructed in matters expedient for the salvation of the elect...and in all ages there have been persons possessed of the spirit of prophesy, not for the purpose of announcing new doctrines, but to direct human actions."
    (-St. Thomas Aquinas: Summa: 2:2:174: Res. et ad 3)

    Dec 16, 2005 A.D.
    In Today's Catholic World (TCW)

    Imperative prophecies of OLD for TODAY from the Imprimatuered 1941 classic book by Fr. Culleton, The Prophets and Our Times, on:

    The Coming Terrible Chastisement

    (Minneapolis) -Dec 16- TCW is presenting important prophecies from Blessed Anna Maria Taigi who was beatified by Pope Benedict XV in 1920 A.D., which predict a terrible/imminent chastisement to the world for its indifference, neglect and outright apostasy against God and His Church.

    His Holiness Pope Benedict XV
    Pope Benedict XV Beatified Anna Maria Taigi on May 30, 1920 A.D.

    Prophecies for the Elect Edition #2

    In his 1941, book, The Prophets and Our Times, Fr. Gerald Culleton relays the following; which the Editor of TCW believes refers to:

    The just, forthcoming punishment from God for the everywhere evident transgression of Sacred Catholic Law

    Blessed Maria Taigi (1769 -1837 A.D.): "God will ordain two punishments: One, in the form of wars, revolutions and other evils, will originate on earth; the other will be sent from Heaven. There shall come over all the earth an intense darkness lasting three days and three nights. Nothing will be visible and the air will be laden with pestilence, which will claim principally but not exclusively the enemies of religion. During this darkness artificial light will be impossible. Only blessed candles can be lighted and will afford illumination. He who out of curiosity opens his window to look out or leaves his house will fall dead on the spot. During these three days the people should remain in their homes, pray the Rosary and beg God for mercy."

    3 Days of Darkness
    Three Days of Darkness

    "On this terrible occasion so many of these wicked men, enemies of His Church, and of their God, shall be killed by this divine scourge, that their corpses round Rome will be as numerous as the fish, which a recent inundation of the Tiber had carried into the city. All the enemies of the Church, secret as well as known, will perish over the whole earth during that universal darkness, with the exception of some few, whom God will soon convert. The air shall be infected by demons, who will appear under all sorts of hideous forms."

    Blessed Anna-Maria Taigi
    Blessed Anna-Maria Taigi (19th Century) Three days of darkness St. Peter St. Paul Designate a new Pope A great light will flash from their bodies and will settle upon the cardinal who is to become Pope. China will come into the Church
    Blessed Anna-Maria Taigi (19th Century) After the Three Days of Darkness St. Peter and St. Paul, having come down from Heaven, will preach in the whole world and... Designate a new Pope A great light will flash from their bodies and will settle upon the cardinal who is to become Pope Russia, England, and China will come into the Church

    "After the three days of darkness, Saints Peter and Paul, having come down from heaven, will preach throughout the world and designate a new pope. A great light will flash from their bodies and will settle upon the cardinal, the future Pontiff. Then Christianity will spread throughout the world. Whole nations will join the Church shortly before the reign of Anti-Christ. These conversions will be amazing. Those who shall survive shall have to conduct themselves well. There shall be innumerable conversions of heretics, who will return to the bosom of the Church; all will note the edifying conduct of their lives, as well as that of all other Catholics. Russia, England, and China will come to the Church."

    Muslim Riots in former Catholic France
    The Worst is Yet to Come
    Picture of Infidel Muslim Riots in former Catholic France, Fall 2005 A.D.

    "France shall fall into frightful anarchy. The French people shall have a desperate civil war, in which old men themselves will take up arms. The political parties having exhausted their blood and their rage, without being able to arrive at any satisfactory understanding, shall at the last extremity agree by common consent to have recourse to the Holy See."

    Pray for the Hastening of the Future Holy Pope and Great Catholic Monarch to Come
    Pray for the Hastening of the Future Holy Pope and Great French (Catholic) Monarch to Come

    "Then the Pope shall send to France a special legate, in order that he may examine the state of affairs and the dispositions of the people. In consequence of the information received, His Holiness shall nominate a most Christian king for the government of France."

    Blessed Anna-Maria Taigi
    Blessed Anna Maria Taigi's body has remained perfectly incorrupt for more than 165 years
    (1769-1837 A.D.)

    A model for wives, mothers, and the family, Blessed Anna-Maria Taigi conquers Napoleon I and the rationalism of the secular world while offering herself as a victim of expiation to the Almighty— in return, God opens the future to her in visions and prophecies...

    For more information on Blessed Anna Maria Taigi, please click here.

    "Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist... The Church will be in eclipse..."
    (Words spoken by Our Lady of LaSalette to Melanie Calvat in 1846 A.D., a fully approved Church Apparition)

    Pray For True Papal Restoration!

    © In Today's Catholic World (TCW) 2005-Present. All rights reserved.

    (December 14-15, Octave of The Immaculate Conception, Advent)

    Holy Water is a Catholic Sacramental
    St. Teresa Wrote about the Great Gift of Holy Water

    "As for me, my soul is conscious of a special and most distinct consolation whenever I take it. On these occasions
    I feel like one who, suffering intense thirst, takes a glass of cold water and is refreshed."
    -St. Teresa of Avila

    In Today's Catholic World (TCW)
    December 14, 2005 A.D.

    (Minneapolis) -Dec 14- In Today's Catholic World (TCW), from its founding has intended to present important news stories (with commentary), articles, quotes from the Saints and Catholic Devotions to encourage the True Faithful who are being persecuted as in no other previous time in Church History.

    One extremely efficacious help for ones soul in this battle against the world, the flesh, and the devil, is the frequent and devout use of Holy Water blessed by a validly ordained priest. Many Catholics do not understand the power of this gift [Holy Water] that God gave to His Church. Provided below is a brief outline explaining this, sadly too often at times neglected sacramental, that keeps our souls strong and makes the devil weak:



    Holy Water is a Catholic Sacramental
    Catholic Holy Water is a Powerful Weapon

    Holy water is a sacramental that remits venial sins. Because of the blessing attached to it, Holy Church strongly urges its use upon her children, especially when dangers threaten, such as fire, storms, sickness and other calamities. Every Catholic home should always have in it a supply of holy water. We do not take advantage of the benefits derived from holy water.


    Untold spiritual wealth is concentrated in a tiny drop of blessed water.

    And we give it so little thought!

    Did we realize now, as we shall realize after death, the many benefits which may be derived from holy water, we would use it far more frequently, and with greater faith and reverence.

    Holy water has its great power and efficacy from the prayers of the Church, which its Divine Founder always accepts with complacency.

    Following are some of the petitions the priest makes to God when he blesses water:

    "O God, ... grant that this creature of Thine (water) may be endowed with divine grace to drive away devils and to cast out diseases, that whatever in the houses or possessions of the faithful may be sprinkled by this water, may be freed from everything unclean, and delivered from what is harmful. ...Let everything that threatens the safety or peace of the dwellers therein be banished by the sprinkling of this water; so that the health which they seek by calling upon Thy Holy Name may be guarded from all assault."


    These prayers ascend to heaven each time you take holy water and sprinkle a drop either for yourself or for another, whether he be present or absent; and God's blessings descend for soul and body.

    Holy Water is a Catholic Sacramental
    (Holy Water) "puts the devils to flight"


    "I know by experience that nothing puts the devils to flight like holy water. They flee before the sign of the Cross also, but return immediately: great then must be the power of holy water. As for me, my soul is conscious of a special and most distinct consolation whenever I take it. I feel almost a certain refreshing which I cannot describe, together with an inward joy which refreshes my soul. This is not merely the effect of the imagination, nor a rare occurrence. I have experienced it frequently and paid special attention to it. On these occasions I feel like one who, suffering intense thirst, takes a glass of cold water and is refreshed." -St Teresa of Jesus (Avila)


    Holy water, sprinkled with faith and piety, can move the Sacred Heart to bless your loved ones and protect them from all harm of soul and body. When worry and fear take possession of your heart, hasten to your holy water font, and give your dear ones the benefits of the Church's prayers.


    In purgatory, the poor souls long for holy water. If we desire to make a host of intercessors for ourselves, let us try to realize now some of their yearnings, and never forget them at the holy water font. Those nearest to heaven may need the sprinkling of only one drop to relieve their pining souls.


    Because holy water is one of the Church's sacramentals, it remits venial sins. Keep your soul beautifully pure in God's sight by making the sign of the Cross carefully while saying: "By this holy water, O Lord, and by Thy Precious Blood, wash away all my sins." Whenever the faithful make the Sign of the Cross using the invocation "In the Name of the Father," etc., they may gain an indulgence of 3 years. With holy water, 7 years. (Raccolta, 1952)

    -From approved sources

    "Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist... The Church will be in eclipse..."
    (Words spoken by Our Lady of LaSalette to Melanie Calvat in 1846 A.D., a fully approved Church Apparition)

    Pray For True Papal Restoration!

    © In Today's Catholic World (TCW) 2005-Present. All rights reserved.

    (December 13, St. Lucy, Double)

    Montini was a Communist Infiltrator
    Montini (a.k.a Antipope Paul) was a Documented Communist Infiltrator

    "... Russia shall spread her errors throughout the world, promoting wars and persecution of the Church; the good will be martyred... "
    (Words of Our Lady of Fatima 1917 A.D.)

    "... the most persistent enemies of the Church, who from Moscow are directing the struggle against Christian civilization, themselves bear witness, by their unceasing attacks in word and act, that even to this hour the Papacy has continued faithfully to protect the sanctuary of the Christian religion, and that it has called public attention to the perils of Communism more frequently and more effectively than any other public authority on earth." (Divini Redemptoris - On Atheistic Communism - Encyclical of Pope Pius XI, promulgated on March 19, 1937)

    In Today's Catholic World (TCW)
    December 13, 2005 A.D.

    (Minneapolis) -Dec 13- In Today's Catholic World (TCW) is presenting to its readers, a de-classified secret WWII Document from the United States Office of Strategic Services in Washington D.C., on September 22, 1944, which records evidence that on July 13th, 1944, Giovanni Battista Montini (a.k.a. Antipope Paul VI), was working in close cooperation with the Catholic Church's inplacable enemies (atheistic communists) behind the back of the then reigning Pope, Pius XII.

    (It is apropos to note that the evil error of Communism has been condemned more than 200 times by the Catholic Church but was not condemned once at the Apostate Vatican II Council -the Editor)

    Montini was a Communist Infiltrator
    "Caught Red Handed"
    Picture of Giovanni Battista Montini (a.k.a. Antipope Paul VI)

    Montini's long record of association with Communists, Freemasons, and Jews, associations banned by the Church and meriting excommunication, anathema, and severance from the kingdom of God, clearly demonstrates Montini's disloyalty to Christ, the priesthood and the Church as far back as the 1940's- thus establishing his (Montini's) ineligibility to hold Papal Office as is infallibly taught by His Holiness, Pope Paul the IV's (Pope Paul the Fourth's) Ex Cathedra Papal Bull from 1559 A.D.
    *Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio:

    Pope Paul IV, *Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio, 1559 A.D. Ex Cathedra: "We enact, determine, decree and define: that if ever at any time it shall appear that the... Roman Pontiff [Pope] prior to his promotion or his elevation as Cardinal or Roman Pontiff, has deviated from the Catholic Faith or fallen into some heresy: the promotion or elevation, even if it shall have been uncontested and by the unanimous assent of all the Cardinals, shall be null, void and worthless."

    Please see the following de-classified US Strategic Services Document from September 22, 1944 detailing Giovanni Montini's treacherous communist activity below. (Note: there is Catholic commentary on the left section; the document is on the right.- TCW)



    Montini was a Communist Infiltrator

    For further related information on the truly gross imposter Montini please see the following links:

  • Montini's New Religion

  • Montini Smashing the Papal Tiara

    4 Select Chapters translated from Fr. Joaquin Saenz Y Arriaga, PhD's important book: The New Montinian Church

    The Invalidity of the Montinian Rite for Bishop Consecration (Explained in concise diagrams & charts by Luis H. Remy's Les Amis du Christ Roi de France [The Friends of Jesus Christ King of France])

    Please Note: To see who actually was the True Pope during Montini's (a.k.a antipope Paul VI's) ungodly reign of terror, click this imperative link.

    "Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist... The Church will be in eclipse..."
    (-Words spoken by Our Lady of LaSalette to Melanie Calvat in 1846 A.D., a fully approved Church Apparition)

    Pray For True Papal Restoration!

  • © In Today's Catholic World (TCW) 2005 All rights reserved.

    (December 11-12, Advent)

    (Sunday of II Class, Semidouble)

    A Married layman dressed as a Priest
    False Traditionalist John Hastreiter, a Married Layman & Worldwide Promoter of the Apostate V-2 Indult (Insult) "Mass"
    (Posing as a priest is a part of his job for the well known Leaflet Missal Church [of Darkness] Goods Company in St. Paul, MN)

    "The Jews are enemies of God and foes of our holy religion.- Padre Pio

    "With such a rallying definite line of action, one can positively affirm that Judeo-Masonry is the unique enemy of the Church. It can be detected in all anti-Catholic attacks against clergy or laity led either by Freemasons or by even Catholics whose faith has decreased due to either fear, passion or self-interest."(-Monseigneur Jouin, from his Speech - Papacy and Freemasonry December 8, 1930 A.D.)


    In Today's Catholic World (TCW)
    December 11, 2005 A.D.

    (Minneapolis) -Dec 11- In Today's Catholic World (TCW) which is a part of *StGemma.com Web Productions and is owned by Mr. David Hobson, is at the forefront of exposing the age-old enemy of the Catholic Church: World Jewry [and its sympathizers]. *Its websites: The Talmud Unmasked, St. Simon of Trent, and the most frequented on the Internet website that exposes the Talmudic Cult Opus Dei, See: (Opus Dei Alert) have quite frequently struck the vital nerves of the enemies of the Faith like the ever-compromising, weak-kneed false traditionalists.

    To cite one example Mr. Hobson (owner of StGemma.com Web Productions) was angrily accused by a phony Traditionalist, a Mr. John Hastreiter, for supposed sins against World Jewry. Hastreiter (who it has been verified has very proximate Jewish ancestry) is the head of the "Traditional church goods division" of the thoroughly Novus Ordo Charismatic “Catholic" Book store called, The Leaflet Missal Co., in St. Paul, MN, sent (David Hobson) a caustic/ugly email claiming that he (Hobson) was an "anti-semite".

    The boy St. Christropher was murdered by the Jews
    The Catholic Boy, St. Christopher, Was Killed by Jewish Ritual Murder on 17th October, 1490 A.D., at La Guardian, (near Toledo) Spain
    This is a most important case, the circumstances of which have been clarified for us by W. T. Walsh in his interesting book on Isabella of Spain, 1931 (Sheed & Ward), in which he devotes pp. 441 to 468 to his researches on this Ritual Murder charge. Walsh states (p. 441) that this case of Ritual Murder was "one of the chief factors, if not the decisive one, in the decision of Fernando and Isabel" (for the expulsion of the Jews from Spain). He shows that the complete record of testimony in the trial of one of the accused has been available since it was published in 1887 in the Bulletin of the Royal Academy at Madrid (Vol. XI, pp. 7-160), from the original manuscript. The murdered boy was canonised as St. Christopher on the authority of His Holiness, Pope Pius VII.

    It is quite evident that the baleful "V-2 Judiazed" false traditionalist Hastreiter, by sending such a hate-filled email, lacks even a minimal understanding concerning the fundaments of Church History pertaining to the Church's, Vilest and Craftiest Enemy: The Perfidious Jew. Mr. Hastreiter, though a bit younger than most of the other "ready for the glue factory" false traditionalists, is still part of this poisonous pack of pretenders who are lock-stock-and-barrel with their Jewish comrades anti-christ aims, whether they care to know or not.

    Masonic Book
    The Marrano Josemarie Escriva: Teacher of Judeo-Masonic Doctrine
    The Leaflet Missal Company, whose headquarters are in St. Paul, MN., boasts having one of the largest display sections
    in the world, dedicated exclusively for the selling of anti-saint Escriva and his Talmudic cult's Opus Dei's perfidious books

    Of course these vicious "sophistries of the synagogue" (TCW did not list them all) spewed forth from the Leaflet Missal [Robber] Church Goods Company's "employee of the month" & masquerading priest Hastreiter were delivered an instant death blow by de *fide:

    "...aiding their perfidy..."


    "There is concern over those members who - in showing support and favor to the Jews against the faith of Christ through accepting presents from Jews or aiding their perfidy and according them protection, knowing such persons belong to the body of Antichrist since they work against the Faith.

    Accordingly, every bishop, priest, religious or layman who in the future give support to Jews against the Christian Faith, be it through briberies or favors, shall be regarded as profane and blaspheming God, and shall be excluded from the Communion of the Catholic Church and shall be regarded as not belonging to the Kingdom of God; for it is no more than right, that those who reveal themselves as protectors of the enemies of the Lord, be separated from the [Mystical] Body of Christ."

    "... the Canons of the Toledo Council were declared to be ETERNALLY BINDING and constant. Meaning that this Canon against Jewry can never be changed or repealed or declared inoperative or as having no application to our times ...present at the Toledo Councils was a Legate of the Supreme Pontiff to offer advice and give acquiescence to the laws adopted. Thus the Canons of the Toledo Council against Jewry and against those in the Church giving aid, comfort and protection to Jewry in its warring against the Church and Faith are the eternally-binding Judgments of the Holy See. These Judgments are especially applicable to today's subversive campaign by Jewry with its preposterous assertion that Holy Scripture and the Catholic Faith are "anti-semitic" and "offensive to Jews" and so must be changed to conform to the anti-Christian mentality of the synagogue." (Extracted from the work, Death Blows to Vatican Council II by The Veritas Staff, 1979 A.D. )

    Pray that the willful blindness of the Jews and their sympathizers ceases and that they convert to the only means of salvation for mankind, the Roman Catholic Church.

    Heaven or Hell?

    The Catholic Church infallibly teaches:

    Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

    [Translation: Outside of the Church there is no salvation.]

    "Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist... The Church will be in eclipse..."
    (Words spoken by Our Lady of LaSalette to Melanie Calvat in 1846 A.D., a fully approved Church Apparition)

    Pray For True Papal Restoration!

    © In Today's Catholic World (TCW) 2005 All rights reserved.

    (December 8, The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

    (Double of I Class with common Octave)

    December 8th is the Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
    Feast of the Immaculate Conception

    De Maria Nunquam Satis (Translation) "With Mary there is never enough." -St. Louis De Montfort

    In Today's Catholic World (TCW)
    December 8, 2005 A.D.

    (Minneapolis) -Dec 8- In Today's Catholic World (TCW) on this glorious feast day of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary is posting in its entirety, Pope Pius IX's Dogmatic Papal Bull Ineffabilis Deus from December 8th 1854 A.D.,
    (see below) which proclaims the infallible Catholic Dogma of the Immaculate Conception. How blessed True Catholics are to
    have such a strong intercessor as Our Immaculate Queen!

    The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a Dogma of the Catholic Church
    Mary Immaculate


    by His Holiness Pope Pius IX December 8, 1854 A.D.

    God Ineffable -- whose ways are mercy and truth, whose will is omnipotence itself, and whose wisdom "reaches from end to end mightily, and orders all things sweetly" -- having foreseen from all eternity the lamentable wretchedness of the entire human race which would result from the sin of Adam, decreed, by a plan hidden from the centuries, to complete the first work of his goodness by a mystery yet more wondrously sublime through the Incarnation of the Word. This he decreed in order that man who, contrary to the plan of Divine Mercy had been led into sin by the cunning malice of Satan, should not perish; and in order that what had been lost in the first Adam would be gloriously restored in the Second Adam. From the very beginning, and before time began, the eternal Father chose and prepared for his only-begotten Son a Mother in whom the Son of God would become incarnate and from whom, in the blessed fullness of time, he would be born into this world. Above all creatures did God so lover her that truly in her was the Father well pleased with singular delight. Therefore, far above all the angels and all the saints so wondrously did God endow her with the abundance of all heavenly gifts poured from the treasury of his divinity that this mother, ever absolutely free of all stain of sin, all fair and perfect, would possess that fullness of holy innocence and sanctity than which, under God, one cannot even imagine anything greater, and which, outside of God, no mind can succeed in comprehending fully. (Note: To read the full text of Pope Pius IX's Ineffabilis Deus (The Immaculate Conception) please click here.)

    Pray For True Papal Restoration!

    "Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist... The Church will be in eclipse..."
    (Words spoken by Our Lady of LaSalette to Melanie Calvat in 1846 A.D., a fully approved Church Apparition)

    © In Today's Catholic World (TCW) 2005 All rights reserved.

    (December 4th-5th, Advent)

    We Will Take Back Our Buildings From The Modernist Enemies!
    We Will Take Back Our Buildings From The Modernist Enemies!

    In Today's Catholic World (TCW)
    December 4, 2005 A.D.

    The Editor of In Today's Catholic World thinks it prudent to restate the goal and purpose of TCW especially now, after the resounding defeat of the Una Cum *Rat, False Traditionalists last month (November) in front of the whole world (wide web). TCW has seen that the humble lovers of truth are officially joining the Catholic Church, yet has, as expected, witnessed pockets of prideful resisters whose final desperate cry in order to save face but not [their] souls, after last month’s "UNCLE!" is: “Let [Roncalli’s] Rome rule on the matter". That is to wait for the Roncalli Apostate V2-sect, (whose front man today is the modernist heretic Fr. Joseph Ratzinger) to turn themselves in tomorrow or in the next 400 years ... and say:

    "Sorry for stealing and profaning God's Sacred Properties (Churches) on every known square inch of the world for the last 40 to 400 years-

    We also apologize for snuffing out your Mass and duping and damning 6 billion souls-give or take a billion, but still, cut us some slack, everyone makes mistakes... no hard feelings... right? After all we are only human...

    We will leave the premises by our own power, you sure got us on this one, and though we believe it is the unalienable right and duty of every human person to act, think, bark and do whatever he or she pleases and would gladly give our very lives defending this "Infallible VATICAN II Truth"... in a final plea from us on why it does not make sense to burn each and everyone of us at the stake later today, we will make the following concession to show you that we are committed to dialoging (to save our own skins...).

    WE think that Pope St. Pius V's Infallible Papal Bull Quo Primum which was Defined and Solemnly Declared to remain in force- in perpetuity (forever) that Decrees that every Priest has the right to say and layman have the right to attend the Latin Mass, may possibly have some validity...”

    After the November absolute victory over the compromising, or just dim-witted False Traditionalist Lay Leaders, this Slothful Sophism (Let Roncalli’s Rome Decide) is all they have left and are banking their, and their paying subscribers eternal souls on. An amazing historic display of Catholic Militancy! ..." It is as if these "well versed" "Uncompromising Laicists" have not studied how the true Faithful of old chased these bastard (anti-popes) out of Rome in days past.

    A Pack of Diseased Rats has Infested God's Sanctuary!
    A Pack of Diseased Rats has Infested God's Sanctuary!

    To Snuff out this "Satanic Sophism" from the lazy Una Cum Rat Phony "Traditionalists", which has the potential to rank right up there with the False Traditionalist's last 40 years in the desert, senseless sound bite of: "loyal resistance": i.e. loyal, to Christ’s worst possible enemies - (Judeo-Masonic anti-popes) - of which after this principle error is accepted (i.e. following unmistakable anti-popes) resistance is instantly impotent... TCW thinks it prudent to reiterate its goal of why it was founded. A goal which must be shared by every one who is truly loyal to Christ the King and who claims to bear the noble title of Catholic...

    To Take Back Our Buildings From The Modernist Enemies!

    St. Louis Embarks on the Crusade
    St. Louis Embarks on the Crusade

    True Catholic News Source to Provide Daily Information for the The Church in Eclipse Aims to Encourage and Unify the True Catholic Faithful to Take Back Usurped Catholic Churches World Wide from the Modernist Enemies

    Minneapolis Aug. 25 - On August 25th, 2005 A.D., the Feast of St. Louis King of France. Mr. David Hobson, owner of StGemma.com Web Productions, launched the Catholic News Service Outlet: In Today's Catholic World (Daily News for The Church in Eclipse) abbreviation (TCW). Mr. Hobson stated, "the ominous reality of Our Lady of LaSalette's words that: 'Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist.... The Church will be in eclipse...,' is now sadly right before our very eyes."

    He indicated he has consulted with a Traditional Bishop (who opposes the Vatican II sect) who approved of his initiative to help True Catholics... "who rarely or never, are heard by the jewish controlled media or the mainstream 'Catholic' press".

    Hobson's, In Today's Catholic World (TCW), will present important news stories with commentary, articles, quotes from the Saints and Catholic Devotions to encourage The True Faithful, "who are being persecuted as in no other previous time in Church History," Hobson noted.

    When asked his view on the situation in the Church, Mr. Hobson walked us through a brief "lesson" in Catholic Church History, which included startling, as of yet, not released to the public, information concerning the "Siri Fact", as he confidently called it. (Note: The Siri Fact is a reference to the not widely known, as of yet, truthful fact, that Cardinal Giuseppe Siri was canonically elected pope after the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958 A.D., and then the newly-elected Pope Gregorius XVII [formerly Cardinal Siri] was threatened [i.e. put under grave duress at the conclave], and immediately overthrown by the Churches enemies from within. He ["Siri"] was then intimidated into keeping silent about His status (as were His cardinals) for 31 years. Gregory XVII died in 1989 A.D. ... there is evidence he may have passed on the Pontificate. This part of history is still unfolding.)

    When asked in more detail about today's tragic situation, Hobson with equally passionate fervor said:

    "With the True Pope on the sideline, Roncalli (a.k.a Antipope John XXIII) a Socialist (which the Church condemns) and who more than likely was also a practicing Freemason (which membership in this secret society incurs automatic excommunication from the Catholic Church) wasted no time with his plan to subvert the entire Catholic Church with a 'new gospel' which was inaugurated at his Apostate Vatican II Council; whose false teachings have thrown the 'Church' and the temporal sphere into an unprecedented chaos. The Apostate Vatican II Council was a heretical pseudo-council that anyone who calls themselves a Catholic, must reject!"

    TCW's [editor & owner] Hobson, was next asked to share his thoughts on "pope" Benedict XVI... for which he was equally as militant:

    "The Apostate Ratzinger (a.k.a Antipope Benedict XVI), was ineligible to be a Pope in the eyes of the Church (this ineligibility also applied to the other Vatican II 'popes') as he [Ratzinger] was a well documented manifest heretic before his 'pseudo election' which placed him under the condemnation of Pope Paul IV's Infallible, Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio. For any Catholic to deny this fact, that Ratzinger held and publically taught numerous heresies before his pseudo election is impossible... to then conclude he (Ratzinger) could be elected Pope, after one has read and understood the infallible teaching of Pope Paul IV's Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio, would put the one who claimed such an absurdity ipso facto (by the very fact) outside of the Catholic Church."

    Hobson concluded with this statement of purpose:

    "I entrust the future of this News Outlet (TCW), to the Catholic Monarch St. Louis, King of France, and humbly ask his powerful intercession for it's success in possibly, hopefully, hastening the coming of the prophesied future Catholic Monarch who with the predicted future, lawful Great Pope, will usher in the Triumphal Reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary."

    *(In regards to "obeying" a clear cut imposter like The Rat as Christ's Vicar, the virtue of obedience commands a faithful Catholic to reject frauds like Ratzinger. In fact, His Holiness, Pope Paul IV's infallible document Cum ex Apostolatus Officio (1559 A.D.) instructs Catholics: "... to avoid them [False Shepherds] as warlocks, heathens, publicans, and heresiarchs...". Thus in today’s terribly trying times, a True Catholic must doubly pray, while obeying and holding to all the more firmly the Sacred Deposit of de fide (The Faith) and Perineal Magisterial Teachings, which this Viper antipope Benedict XVI and his V2 Sect have knowingly and gleefully trampled underfoot for more than 45 years now. -The Editor)

    "Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist... The Church will be in eclipse..."
    (Words spoken by Our Lady of LaSalette to Melanie Calvat in 1846 A.D., a fully approved Church Apparition)

    © In Today's Catholic World (TCW) 2005 All rights reserved.

    (December 2, St. Bibiana Virgin and Martyr, Semidouble)

    (First Friday)

    St. St. Simon of Trent
    Relief Commemorating the Horrific Death of St. Simon of Trent 1475 A.D.
    Child Martyr & Canonized Saint, at the Hands of Perfidious Jews

    "This abyss of all errors (Abyssus Errorum) is justly compared to the "abysmal well' mentioned in Revelation (abyssus putei, ix, 1-3 ), whose emanations darken the light of the sun and poison the air. It is this accursed Sect whose perversion was stigmatized by Pope Pius IX when he named it [Freemasonry]: "The Synagogue of Satan." Due to its enormous extension and its nowadays very visible collusion with International Jewish Finance, Freemasonry has indeed become the 'Synagogue of Satan.'"
    (Papacy and Freemasonry, a Speech by Monseigneur Jouin, December 8, 1930 A.D.)

    Dec 2, 2005 A.D.
    In Today's Catholic World (TCW)

    (Minneapolis) -Dec 2- The following pictorial evidence with captions (see below), shows the obvious sorrowful reality of the Sacking of Rome by the Freemasonic anti-popes.

    The True Catholics for exposing this Satanic Crime (perpetrated by the agents of anti-christ i.e. Roncalli to Ratzinger), are slandered, persecuted and derided as the worst of all sorts:

    First of all we humbly thank those who attack us for giving us this opportunity to suffer for Our Lord, as we truly are not worthy of such a great grace. This ungodly persecution only gives more evidence of the Catholic Reality that we are The King's true and loyalist of subjects; who have vowed to not hold back on whatever it takes, which may include our very lives, to RIGHT THIS EXECRABLE WRONG and get the Chair of Peter back into the possession of LAWFUL AND TRUE CATHOLIC HANDS!


    "Better that only a few Catholics should be left, staunch and sincere in their religion, than that they should, remaining many, desire as it were, to be in collusion with the Church's enemies and in conformity with the open foes of our faith."
    -St. Peter Canisius

    The Kiss of Judas
    Taking of Christ [by Judas]
    Caravaggio, c. 1598

    The enemy has taken control of the citidel
    A Marrano and his Menorah
    The Apostate "Cardinal" Ratzinger, pictured on left, lighting a Jewish Menorah during a ceremony at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome on 03/12/02.

    Public Act of Apostacy
    A Manifest Act of Apostacy, Anti-pope John Paul II Kissing the Blasphemous Koran 05/14/1999
    The Koran states: "He who believes in the Trinity is impure just like excrement and urine." (Article 2, Koran)

    Masonic Handsahke
    Notice the Masonic Handshake!
    Montini and the schismatic Patriarch of Constantinople, Athenagoras, rescinding the 1054 excommunications of the Great Schism. January 5, 1964. It is interesting that Montini met with Athenagoras in the Garden of Olives, the very place where Judas, with a kiss, delivered the Lamb of God to those who would crucify Him; Montini, in like fashion, greeted Athenagoras with a kiss.

    French Masonic Revolution
    Actual (18th Century) Emblem at the time of the Satanic Freemasonic French Revolution
    Note the image of the Freemasonic Handshake above the word: FRATERNITE'

    Roncalli a.k.a antipope John XXIII & Montini a.k.a antipope Paul VI in Full Agreement
    Roncalli died June 3, 1963. He was succeeded by Montini, who took the name "pope"
    Paul VI and supervised the completion of the Apostate Second Vatican Council.

    "Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist... The Church will be in eclipse..."
    (Words spoken by Our Lady of LaSalette to Melanie Calvat in 1846 A.D., a fully approved Church Apparition)

    © In Today's Catholic World (TCW) 2005 All rights reserved.

    (December 1, Thursday of the First Week in Advent)

    St. Frances Xavier
    St. Francis Xavier's Works Continue

    Dec 1, 2005 A.D.
    In Today's Catholic World (TCW)

    (Minneapolis) -Dec 1- The following note regarding an *action plan for conversion, (see below) which was originated by a humble soul whose name TCW deems prudent to keep private, has recently been circulating amongst the True Remnant Faithful (i.e. those who have been given the great grace to see the reality of the Church today i.e., are trying to reclaim the Throne from the imposters.) TCW thinks it is a perfect idea and recommends the wide dissemination of this Providential message to all the members of the Church in Eclipse (which is beginning to shine forth...).


    "We all know that there is a need for priests. And we know how much power they have over the minds and hearts of lay people. The world has thousands of validly ordained (orginally Catholic) priests who are practicing the [False] Novus Ordo Religion. And also many "Catholic at heart" Novus Ordo "presiders" who may seek ordination (if they have a calling -ED) if they knew the facts of the matter.

    On December 3rd we will celebrate in addition to a holy First Saturday, the feast day of St. Francis Xavier, the glorious priest who is the patron of the Propagation of the Faith. Let us pray especially for the conversion of an N.O. priest to the Catholic Faith. Our prayers can be multiplied by four or five and perhaps due to our fervent and humble petitions, united to the Powerful intercession of the holy St. Francis Xavier, who literally traveled the world over, the Catholic world may obtain another priest who we so badly need."

    "Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist... The Church will be in eclipse..."
    (Words spoken by Our Lady of La Salette to Melanie Calvat in 1846 A.D., a fully approved Church Apparition)

    © In Today's Catholic World (TCW) 2005-Present. All rights reserved.

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