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TCW Exclusive: Historic Information Release on True Papacy & Fatima Consecration

In Today's Catholic World News Website

"You must fight energetically, since you know very well what great wounds the undefiled Spouse of Christ Jesus
has suffered, and how vigorous is the destructive attack of Her enemies."
-His Holiness, Venerable Pope Pius IX

From the Sacred Liturgy: Auferte gentem perfidam credentium de finibus (Take the faithless tribe from the borders of the believing)

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Ecclesiastical Approbation

In Today's Catholic World carries the approbation in writing of the (True) Petrine Hierarchy in exile i.e., connected with Pope Gregory XVII. It faithfully adheres to the rules for Catholic Journals mandated by Leo XIII in the Apostolic Constitution Officiorum ac Munerum, Jan 25, 1897 - so heavily re-stressed by Pius X in Pascendi Dominici Gregis, Sept 8, 1907.

Historic Release of Information for the Catholic World

On True Papacy & Fatima

Our Lady of Fatima - Queen of the Most Holy Rosary The Barque of Peter St. John Bosco- Two Pillars Prophecy
(L/R) Our Lady of Fatima: who requested the consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart; The Barque of Peter: which
every person must be aboard to obtain Heaven; St. John Bosco: favored by Heaven with the prophetic Dream of The Two Pillars

Our Lord to Sr. Lucy of Fatima, August 3, 1931 A.D. (Rianjo, Spain): "They (the Pontiffs) did not wish to heed my request. Like the King of France, they will repent and do it (the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart in union with all the bishops of the world), but it will be late. Russia will have already spread her errors throughout the world, provoking wars, and persecutions of the Church; the Holy Father will have much to suffer."

"Somehow or other, the Pope was hit seriously and fell down (October 26, 1958) ... Another Pope was installed in his place. ... The adversaries began to lose courage."
(Excerpt from St. John Bosco's famous Two Pillars Papal Prophecy)

"If God is with us, who can prevail against us? (Si Deus Pro Nobis, Quis Contra Nos?)
God is with us in this fight, which is our fight, the fight of the Papacy against Judeo-Masonry."
(Monseigneur Jouin, December 8, 1930)


Dec 25, 2012 A.D.
In Today's Catholic World (TCW)

We wish all true Catholics a holy Christmas! TCW has received repeated requests, for some time now, from good heaven seeking souls from all over the world to publish more True Catholic news. The staff recently received phone calls from readers in France, Malaysia, Canada, and Africa. We were most joyful when we were contacted by a validly ordained priest in Japan, offering his services to the true faithful. The common theme in these and multiple other correspondences is a desire to hear more information about the Successor of Pope Gregory XVII, "the Pope in Red."

After much consultation with the Hierarchy of the Church in exile (who so much wants to get its message out), the decision was made by our leaders to release historical details surrounding the precise fulfillment of Our Lady of Fatima's request to consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart (to hasten Her Triumph over the enemies of our Faith i.e., to bring True Papal Restoration).

TCW will relay this important information about the papal consecration (done in union with all the bishops of the world) within the framework of a proper interpretation of St. John Bosco's famous Two Pillars prophecy - of which significant aspects have been shrouded in mystery for 150 years ... until now! Again, this entire post has the approbation of the Hierarchy of the (*TRUE) Roman Catholic Church.

*Not the Black Counterfeit church of Darkness headed by the *current V2 sect tyrant: Antipope Ben 16. *(Update: Antipope Francis -ED)

The Historic Detail of the Papal Consecration of the Immaculate Heart of Mary to Russia

(The Two Pillars Papal Prophecy of St. John Bosco)

Sister Lucy seer from Fatima Portugal
Photo of Sr. Lucy of Fatima

1927--Our Lady of Fatima to Sr. Lucy: "The moment has come in which God asks the Holy Father to make, in union
with all the bishops of the world, the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart, promising to save it by this means."

Sr. Lucy reflects and laments on why the request by Our Lady for the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart was being ignored: "He (God) if He wanted, could see to it that the cause (measures before Rome) move along rapidly; but to punish the world, He will let it go slowly. His justice, provoked by our sins, demands it. And He is displeased, not only by the great sins, but also by our laxity and negligence in attending to His petitions ... Yes the crimes are many, but above all there is the negligence of those souls who should be ardent in His service, that is much greater... ."

When, in the Apostolic Letter, Sacro vergente Anno of July 7, 1952, Pope Pius XII consecrated "the Russian peoples" to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, many believed that all was fulfilled. However, Sister Lucy writes: "I remained grief stricken that it still was not done in the way that Our Lady requested. Patience! ... ."

Note to the reader: as stated, TCW will relay the important information about the papal consecration of Russia to
the Immaculate Heart of Mary, within the framework of a proper interpretation of St. John Bosco's Two Pillars prophecy.
To read the text of The Two Pillars prophecy without commentary click here.
What follows below is The Two Pillars prophecy. The true Church approbated
commentary (with exclusive historical data) from TCW, is in red font.

St. John Bosco's Dream of the Two Pillars
St. John Bosco's Prophetic
Dream Of The Two Pillars

"Those who defend the huge ship are good people who love the Holy See; the
others are her enemies who, with all sorts of arms, make attempts to annihilate her."
(Fr. Michael Rua, close friend of St. John Bosco)

"It is necessary for salvation that all the faithful of Christ be subject to the Roman Pontiff." (V Lateran Council)

IT WAS MAY 30, 1862, penultimate day of the Month of Our Lady. After night prayers, before hundreds of boys went to bed, Don Bosco started like this:

"I want to recount to you a dream. It is true that he who dreams does not reason. In spite of that, I, who would recount to you even my sins if I were not afraid of making all of you run away and making the house collapse, will narrate it to you for your spiritual benefit. I had this dream a few days ago.

"Just imagine you were with me on a sea beach, or rather, on an isolated cliff and you did not see any other landscape except that under your feet. On that vast surface of water there was an innumerable multitude of ships arrayed for battle. Their prows were equipped with a beak of sharp iron in the form of a knife or arrow which hurt and pierced through where it clove. These ships were armed with cannons, equipped with guns and arms of every kind, incendiary materials and even books. They advanced against another ship much bigger and taller than all of them, trying to ram it with their beaks, to set fire to it, or at least to cause any possible damage to it.

"Behind that majestic flag-ship, equipped on all sides, there was a convoy of many small ships and sailing vessels which took signals of command from her and carried out operations of self-defense from the enemy fleets. The wind was against them and the agitated sea seemed to favor the enemy.

Mary Help of Christians: Our Lady was invoked under this title at the Battle of Lepanto
Pillar: Mary Help of Christians
Santuario di Maria Ausiliatrice
(Turin, Italy)

"In the midst of the immense expanse of the sea there sprung up from the waves two very high pillars, one a little distant from the other. On top of one there was the statue of the Immaculate Virgin, at whose feet hung a large placard with this writing on it: Auxilium Christianorum (Help of Christians) over the other which was much bigger and higher, there was a Host proportionate in size to the pillar, and below it there was a placard with these words: Salus Credentium (Salvation of Believers).

"The Supreme Commander on the big ship, who was the Roman Pontiff, saw the fury of the enemies and the crucial situation in which his faithful were involved. He decided to convene around him the pilots (the Bishops) of the minor ships for consultation and measures to be taken. All the pilots went up and assembled around the Pope.

"They held council (The Vatican Council 1869-1870), but since the wind became more furious (outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War), they were sent back to control their own ships.

Two Pillars - St. John Bosco Dream
"... the tempest became frightful again."

"The situation having improved a little bit, the Pope assembled the pilots around him for the second time, while the flag ship continues its course. But the tempest became [1.] frightful again.

[1.] With the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War, Napoleon III withdrew his French garrison from Rome. With this garrison gone, the masonic Italian National Army (led by Garibaldi & Victor Emmanuel II, and fully [1a.] supported by the Synagogue of Satan [the Jews]) was able to take the Papal State of Rome on September 20th, 1870, resulting in Pius IX becoming a [1b.] "Prisoner of the Vatican" for the next eight years, until his death in 1878.

[1a.] Source - the Church Approved: "La Civilta Cattolica: "On The Jewish Question In Europe: The Causes, The Effects, The Remedies", 1890 A.D.
[1b.] "Both Leo XIII and Pius X remained as 'prisoners of the Vatican.' So too did the next pontiff, Benedict XV, who was elected in 1914. Soon, though, a terrifying political future seemed to be unfolding. Following the 1917 communist revolution in Russia, Europe seemed in danger of a communist takeover and in Italy, socialist activists were conducting street battles of the most violent intensity ... ." (B. R. Lewis, "Prisoner of the Vatican: 60 Years of Isolation", Apr 6, 2011)

"The Pope remained at the helm and exerted all his efforts to steer the ship to the middle of the pillars from the top of which were hung all around many anchors and huge hooks attached to chains.

His Holiness Pope Leo XIII

"They are planning the destruction of holy Church publicly and openly. ... There is no denying that in this foolish and criminal plan it is easy to understand the implacable hatred and passion for revenge which animate Satan toward Jesus Christ." -Pope Leo XIII, Humanum Genus (Encyclical Letter On Freemasonry, April 20, 1884)

"All [2.] the enemy (Judeo-Masonry) ships made a rush to attack her and went all out to capture and sink her. Some with writings, books, and incendiary materials with which they were fully armed were trying to slant her; others with their cannons, guns and beaks. The fighting became more and more fierce. With the prows, the enemy made violent thrusts, but their efforts and assaults proved ineffective. Their repeated attempts proved unavailing. All their exertions and munitions ended in sheer waste. The big flag ship (Holy See) proceeded safe and undeterred in her course. It happened that now and then she received [3.] formidable hits (from infiltrators like Cardinal Rampolla) which made large and deep cracks in her sides. But no sooner had she inhaled a puff of air (meaning Holy Ghost/Supernatural Grace) coming from the two pillars than the damages and the gaps were closed and the rifts plugged. In the meanwhile, the cannons of the attackers burst, the guns snapped, so also were other arms, and the books were [4.] destroyed (Pius X Condemnation of Modernism). Many ships were attacking from close quarters with small arms: with the [5.] hands, with blasphemies and curses.

[2.] "the enemy" (Judeo-Masonry) ... Leo XIII unmasks their infernal plot to destroy the Papacy: "But against the Apostolic See and the Roman Pontiff the contention of these enemies has been for a long time directed. The Pontiff was first, for specious reasons, thrust out from the bulwark of his liberty and of his right, the civil princedom; soon he was unjustly driven into a condition which was unbearable because of the difficulties raised on all sides; and now the time has come when the partisans of the sects openly declare, what in secret among themselves they have for a long time plotted, that the sacred power of the Pontiffs must be abolished, and that the Pontificate itself, founded by divine right, must be utterly destroyed." (Humanum Genus, Encyclical Letter On Freemasonry, April 20, 1884)

[3.] "formidable hits" ... It is said truth is the only charity allowed in History. The heroic Msgr. Jouin exposed Rampolla as a freemason at the conclave following the death of Leo XIII. Rampolla was not only a member of the Brotherhood, he was also Grand Master of a particularly occult sect known as the OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis), into which he had been initiated in Switzerland a few years earlier.

[4.] St. Pius X's war against the Modernists certainly exposed and destroyed many works of evil from the stealthy "Maranno enemy". Deo Gratias! Yet, many of the modernist moles went back underground to bide their time, hoping to re-release their pestilent poison at a more opportune time.

[5.] "with the hands ..." St. John Bosco says the enemies were attacking from "close quarters ... with the hands". This shows it was NOT the typical fighting from the enemies outside the Church (or their Modernist moles from within), firing on the Papal Flagship with false teachings, yet is a clear allusion to a different type of assault. This is an attack from "close quarters... with the hands" ... a clear reference to what historically occurred at the October 26, 1958 Conclave.

"I have seen one of my successors, of the same name,
who was fleeing (Rome) ... he will die a cruel death." ...

"I see the Russians at Genoa."

St. Pius X prophetic vision of Pope Gregory XVII Oct 28, 1958 Conclave: white smoke seen by 200,000 people billowing forth from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel after Pope Gregory XVII was elected from within Cardinal Siri walking into the October 26,
1958 Conclave
Giuseppe Sarto's (Pius X) Prophetic Visions of Giuseppe Siri (Gregory XVII)
In 1909, during an audience for the general chapter of the Franciscan Order, Pope Pius X suddenly fell into a trance. The audience waited in reverent silence. When he awoke, the Pope cried out:

"What I see is terrifying! Will it be myself? Will it be my successor? What is certain is that the Pope will quit Rome, and in leaving the Vatican he will have to walk over the dead bodies of his priests.

Just prior to his death (August 20, 1914), Pope Pius X had another vision:

"I have seen one of my successors, of the same name (Giuseppe), who was fleeing over the bodies of his brethren. He will take refuge in some hiding place; but after a brief respite he will die a cruel death."

The same Pope also foretold war for the year 1914, and during his death agony (in 1914), he said:

"I see the [1.] Russians at Genoa."

[1.] "... Russians at Genoa." Reference to the Commie/masonic captors of Pope Gregory XVII - who guarded the hostage pope's every move in Genoa (Italy) - where His Holiness was exiled.

"Somehow or other, the Pope was [6.] hit seriously and fell down. (October 26th, 1958) Once those around him went to his [7.] rescue and lifted him (Fr. Khoat and his Team) The Pope was hit the second time. He fell down again and [8.] expired (death of Gregory XVII by poison). A shout of victory and jubilation arose from the enemies. There was rejoicing in their ships. But immediately after the death of the Pontiff, another pope was installed in his place. The assembled pilots had elected him so quickly that the notice of the death of the Pope (Gregory XVII) arrived with the notice of the election of his successor. The adversaries began to lose courage.

[6.] " ... Pope was hit seriously and fell down." This crucial part of the prophecy is the key to understanding it as a whole. The chronology in this papal prophecy [from Pius IX calling the Vatican Council (1869-70) and heroes like St. Pius X, destroying the perfidious books of the enemies (1907)] now brings the battlefront, in this all-out war, to October 26, 1958. This is when the enemies of the cross through violence/grave threats, criminally dethroned Christ's lawfully elected Vicar - His Holiness Pope Gregory XVII (formally Cardinal Siri of Genoa). "The Pope (Gregory XVII) was hit seriously (by the masonic mutineers within the conclave) and fell down." His Holiness was not able to publicly (visibly) act in His Divine right and role as the Holy Father. Judeo-Masonry's age-old goal of overturning Throne and Altar was accomplished ... commencing the Apostasy. It is de fide that the papacy shall never be overcome. Gregory XVII's 31-year pontificacy is what the Church defines as sede impediti. That is, he was impeded by outside forces from publicly acting in His Office, which was still rightfully His de jure (by law).

[7.] "rescued and lifted him" ... This imperative papal prophecy now races ahead three decades to June 14, 1988. The suffering Holy Father foretold at Fatima (blocked by the powers of darkness from [visibly] leading His flock), is, through the heroic effort of Fr. Khoat and his team, "rescued". That is Fr. Khoat's team was able to reach ("rescued") him behind enemy lines and then they "lifted him". This means they rescued the true successor of St. Peter (Gregory XVII) - and "lifted him" with His due, to His throne. The exiled Holy See operated "underground" from June 14th, 1988 until May 2nd 1989 amidst its worst persecution ever. Where Peter is there is the Church.

[8.] "expired" ... "The Pope was hit the second time. He fell down again and expired". Pope Gregory XVII's satanic captors somehow discovered that he was actively running the Church, with his newly-created Cardinals and Bishops (who under his direction were in the process of organizing an emergency helicopter evacuation of their beloved elder Commander). The Vatican II sect masonic usurpers then killed him. (It has been stated, by using high dosages of digitalis, which causes a terrible & cruel death. -ED)

"... another Pope was installed... he tied it (the Church)... to the pillar on which was placed the Immaculate Virgin."

The Holy Father's consecration of Russia by name to the Immaculate Heart in union with all the bishops of the world Our Lady's request finally fulfilled after 64 years

St. John Bosco's prophecy quickly jumps and trumps the enemies of the papacy when Pope Gregory XVII's designated head Cardinal (Camerlengo) on June 3rd, 1990 announces an upcoming conclave. The cardinals, having to overcome many obstacles and dangers, convened in Rome to elect His successor in the Spring of 1991.

In Today's Catholic World, although entrusted for some time with this information (directly received [in writing] from the Hierarchy), is now through their guidance, publishing the chronological details of this imperative History:

1. May 2, 1991 In Rome, two years to-the-date of Gregory XVII's death, his Cardinals celebrated a Requiem Mass for him; and proceeded to hold a Conclave

2. May 3, 1991 A new Pontiff was elected and chose the name Gregorius XVIII (The 262nd Successor of St. Peter)

3. May 13, 1991 Gregorius XVIII consecrated Russia, by name, to the Immaculate Heart, in union with all of the Bishops of the world

4. May 14, 1991 Gregorius XVIII held Conference with his Cardinals and left Rome in exile, per God's Will

TCW (Summary): His Holiness Gregorius XVIII (Gregory XVIII) was elected pope in Rome in a secret conclave. The Holy Father's first act as pontiff was to consecrate Russia by name to the Immaculate Heart, in union with all the Bishops of the world (i.e. Catholic Bishops: those with canonical mission [*jurisdiction] from him), in as public a ceremony as prudence permitted. Following this momentous event, he gave council to his Cardinals and left Rome in exile, in obedience to the Divine Will.

*"Church Authority. Those who are received into the ecclesiastical hierarchy are not chosen by the people, or by secular authority,
but are placed in the degrees of power of orders by sacred ordination. In the supreme pontificate the person lawfully elected, and
freely accepting the election, receives the power of jurisdiction by divine right. All others receive jurisdiction by canonical mission (c. 109)."
(Text: "A Dictionary Of Canon Law", Second, Revised Edition, 1919 Imprimatur)

"By dislodging and overcoming every obstacle, the new pope managed to steer the ship up to the two pillars and on arriving between them, he tied it with a chain which hung from the prow to an anchor of the pillar on top of which there was the Host (Tridentine Mass); then with another chain he tied it (the Church) from the side opposite to another anchor attached to the pillar on which was placed the Immaculate Virgin. (Pontifical Act of Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart, on May 13th, 1991 by Pope Gregory XVIII, in union with all the bishops of the world.)

"Now followed a great upheaval. All the ships which up to that moment had fought against the flag ship on which the Pope sat, took to flight, and dispersed, knocked and clashed [9.] with one another. Some went down and tried to sink the others. (pseudo-traditionalists & sedevacantists) Some small ships which had fought bravely together with the Pope came along with the former to tie themselves to those pillars.

[9.] The often brothers in arms - [9a.] deniers of Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio V2 sect "traditionalists" & the "Shh, don't say papal mandate ..." cowardly sedevacantist LIE Lovers.

[9a.] History shows this included the Chief controller of the opposition), "Non-priest Lefebvre".

St. Cyprian: There is one God, and one Christ, and there is one Church, and one Chair founded by the voice of the Lord upon a Rock. Another altar cannot be constituted or a new priesthood be made, beside the one altar and the one priesthood. Whosoever gathereth elswhere, scattereth. Whatsoever by human madness is instituted, so that the divine disposition is violated, is adulterous, is impious, is sacrilegious (Epist. ad Pleb. xl. n. 5).
Pillar: Holy Mass with Jurisdiction from Rome
"Then they (the flock) moved very slowly in the direction of the two pillars."

"Many other ships which had retreated for fear of battle remained at a great distance, watching prudently, until the wreckage of all the shattered (enemy) ships were [10.] swallowed up in the gorges of the sea. (3 Days of Darkness) Then they moved very slowly in the direction of the two pillars. As soon as they arrived there, they attached themselves to the hanging hooks and remained there happy and safe, together with the flag ship on which the Pope was. A great calm reigned in the sea, a [11.] supreme calm it was."

[10.] "swallowed up in the gorges of the sea" ... A reference to the imminent 3 Days of Darkness Chastisement, that will rid the world of heretics and schismatics i.e., the enemies of the unconquerable papacy. St. John Bosco in his prophecy "The Venerable Old Man of Lazio" (Rome), also alludes to the forthcoming 3 Days, as do numerous other saints and Catholics renowned for holiness.

[11.] "supreme calm" ... this supreme calm for the Catholic world ("period of peace" promised by Our Lady at Fatima) will by Divine Providence occur after "Nations have been annihilated" (3 Days of Darkness). Contact In Today's Catholic World for a free 100% beeswax properly blessed candle to survive the upcoming chastisement, that will proceed the Glorious Restoration of the Church and the Triumphal Reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

At this point Don Bosco asked Don Rua, "What do you think of this narrative?"

Don Rua replied: "It seems to me that the ship of the Pope is the Church, whose head he is; the other ships are men; the sea is this world. Those who defend the huge ship are good people who love the Holy See; the others are her enemies who, with all sorts of arms, make attempts to annihilate her. The two pillars of salvation seem to be devotion to Mary Immaculate and the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist."

Don Rua did not mention the Pope who fell dead, so Don Bosco was also silent on this point. He only added: "You have said well. Only one expression must be corrected: the enemies' ships are the persecutions; they prepare very serious troubles for the Church. What has taken place so far is almost nothing compared with what will occur. Her enemies are the ships which make an attempt to sink the flag ship, if they can. There remain only two means to save ourselves in the midst of so much danger and confusion. Devotion to Mary Immaculate, frequent Confession and Communion. It is necessary to use every means and try our best to practice them and have them practiced everywhere and by all. Good night!"

Slowly and silently, the boys swarmed out to rest with the dream of the Two Pillars in their hearts: the filial love of Our Lady, who is the Mother of Adolescents and the sacramental life, which is the Eucharist. With these two great loves, their inclusion in the Church becomes joyful and beautiful even if they have to fight. So boys perhaps do not like adventure and struggle?"

The Church Militant

"The church, however, is militant, for her there is no permanent peace on earth; the consequences of sin are only weakened, not destroyed; the battle is ever to be waged; the intellectual battle, there must be heresies; the moral battle, there must be scandal; the physical battle, there must be misfortunes, calamities, public and private, national and individual. Man's life is a warfare his arms ever in his hands, the powers of hell, the impious on earth, the passions of his own heart, are leagued against him he must fight, and fight till the end; he must conquer before he can be crowned."
(Catechism of Perseverance: an historical, doctrinal, moral and liturgical exposition of the Catholic religion, Abbé Gaume, 1850, Imprimatur)

St. Cyprian: "To adhere to a false Bishop of Rome (a false "pope") is to be out of communion with the Church."

"We declare, say, define and proclaim to every human creature that they by necessity for salvation are entirely subject to the Roman Pontiff."
-Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctum Nov. 18, 1302 ex cathedra (Infallible)

"Then the Church shall be... in catacombs... Such is the universal testimony of the Fathers of the early Church." -Cardinal Manning

Cardinal Manning citing the Universal Testimony of the Fathers of the early Catholic Church about The Apostasy "The apostasy of the city of Rome from the vicar of Christ and its destruction by Antichrist may be thoughts so new to many Catholics, that I think it well to recite the text of theologians of greatest repute. First Malvenda, who writes expressly on the subject, states as the opinion of Ribera, Gaspar Melus, Biegas, Suarrez, Bellarmine and Bosius that Rome shall apostatise from the faith, drive away the Vicar of Christ and return to its ancient paganism. ...Then the Church shall be scattered, driven into the wilderness, and shall be for a time, as it was in the beginning, invisible hidden in catacombs, in dens, in mountains, in lurking places; for a time it shall be swept, as it were from the face of the earth. Such is the universal testimony of the Fathers of the early Church." -Cardinal Manning, The Present Crisis of the Holy See, 1861, London: pp. 88-90

"I take it (the Church) away from the fury of its enemies."

Papal prophecies to French stigmatist Marie-Julie Jahenny from Heaven shortly after revelations she received concerning a
future (hidden) long suffering *pope who, "will be [1.] locked within the Vatican" .. with "chains twice heavier" than Pius IX's. (*Gregory XVII.):

French Prophetess and Stigmatist Marie Julie Jahenny
The Breton Stigmatist
Marie-Julie Jahenny

(Our Lord): "My children, I am carrying the Church (with its Papacy) upon the shoulder (a special painful wound He received in His Passion, which is mentioned in the prophecies) which hurts Me. I take it up with its walls and ornaments. I take it away (from Rome into exile) from the fury of its enemies. That will be a red fury, and even one degree above it.

"While carrying away My holy temple, I am also carrying the tree of faith. Here comes the moment when all the Reds will rush headlong upon its remnants. For a moment, I move away My temple together with the tree of faith, over to Heaven, next to My throne, while awaiting the passing of My justice upon earth." (Sept. 29, 1878)

(Visions of Marie-Julie): "Prayer services (the word Mass not used) will be held in the depths of cellar-vaults, while disorder and murder will pervade the whole inside of the Eternal City." (April 8, 1880)

" ... all his (the pope's) children in faith will expect nothing short of a miracle. Without such a miracle, nothing could be restored to a deep peace." (Sept. 29, 1879)

"The Earth will become like a vast cemetery. The bodies of the wicked and the just will cover the ground Three-quarters of the population of the globe will disappear." (Dec. 8th, 1882)

"The crisis will explode suddenly; the punishments will be shared by all and will succeed one another without interruption ... the 3 days of darkness will begin on a Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Days of the Most Holy Sacrament, of the Cross and Our Lady... three days less one night. The defenders of the Faith (those in union with the exiled Papacy) will be protected from Heaven." (Jan. 4, 1884)

[1.] Note: how the Enemy would achieve its stealthy incarceration (sede impediti) of Pope Gregory XVII, is also explained in the prophecy: "Arms recently invented will be taken up; day and night they will encamp around his prison." (March 13, 1878)

CLICK HERE: to see essential information on how to fulfill your Mass obligation and about valid Confessions during this, the Apostasy.

Sister Elena Aiello Prophecy of 3 Days of Darkness
Sister Elena Aiello (1895-1961)
Foundress of The Sister Minims

"The Pope will suffer much, His successor (Gregory XVIII) will guide the boat in the tempest.
However the punishment of the impious will not be delayed. ... The wicked and the obstinate will perish."

Prophecies of Sister Elena Aiello:

Our Lady speaks: “The world today is honoring me (1956), but my Motherly Heart is bleeding, because the enemy is at our doors! (less than two years before the 1958 usurpation of the papacy) Men are offending God too much! If I were to show you the number of sins committed in a single day, you would die of horror and sorrow! ... ”

The times are grievous. The whole world is in turmoil, because IT HAS BECOME WORSE THAN AT THE TIME OF THE DELUGE!”

“Everything is in suspense, like a thread; when this thread breaks, the justice of God will fall like a thunderbolt and will complete its terrible course of purification.”

Sister Elena asked, “What will become of Italy?”

The Virgin Mary answered: “Italy, my daughter, will be humiliated, purified in blood, and must suffer much, because many are the sins of this beloved country, seat of the Vicar of Christ. You cannot imagine what will happen! In those sad days there will be much anguish and weeping. There will be a great revolution ... ”

The Pope (Gregory XVII) will suffer much, and all this suffering will be like an agony, which will shorten his earthly pilgrimage. His successor (Gregory XVIII) will guide the boat in the tempest.”

However the punishment of the impious will not be delayed. That day will be most fearful in the world! (The 3 Days of Darkness)
The earth will tremble, all humanity will be shaken! The wicked and the obstinate will perish in the tremendous severity of the justice of the Lord.”

Launch at once a message into the world, to advise men to return to God by prayers and penances, and to come with confidence to my Immaculate Heart.
My power must be shown, because I am the Mother of God, of the just, and of sinners. ... ."

True Papal Restoration

"Poor Holy Father, we must pray very much for him." -Jacinta

"Qui mange le Pape, meurt!"

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